গুণোৎসৱ ২০১৮ ৰ প্ৰশ্নকাকত
Class V
Language II (English)
(Self Evaluation)
"Do you see that creeper?" he said to them. "Let's destroy it." "Why must we destroy it?" asked the geese in surprise. "It is so small. What harm can it do?" “My friends", replied the wise old bird, "that little creeper will soon grow."
On his way home, an ant saw a sparkling fountain. He crawled on to its wall to take a closer look. Suddenly he slipped and fell into the water. He gurgled and panicked and waved his legs in the air. "Help! I can't swim", he cried.
One day, I was fishing in a river. I fished for a long time but could not catch any fish. Then I decided to see if there was something wrong at the bottom of the river. I jumped into the water and went down to the bottom of the river. There I found a fish that was as big as a mountain.
"I wish I had glass leaves instead. Men do not steal glass leaves." The next day its glass leaves shone in the bright sun. "How happy I am! instead." At night the wind blew and all the glass leaves broke.
King Dasaratha was a king of Ayodhya. He was very good at shooting with his arrow. He had the special power of shooting. He could shoot at a mark without seeing it. King Dasaratha also liked hunting and enjoyed chasing animals.
(External Evaluation)
The earliest books were written by hand. Two thousand years ago in India, birch (bark means bhojapatra) and palm leaves (talapatra) were used for pages. A pen and black ink were used to write on birch bark. A sharp- iron spike was used for writing on palm leaves. Holes were drilled through the leaves and the book was held together by a string.
Oh! My clock has fallen. How happy I am/ Tomorrow I can get up late. Next morning there is no alarm. So, Neha sleeps and sleeps.
"Help! Help!" cried the geese. "We are caught in the hunter's net. Oh !What shall we do?" "Don't make a fuss now", said the wise old bird. "Long ago I told you to destroy the creeper, but you did not."
Once there was a war between the birds and the beasts. Both sides have to win the war. The birds fought very bravely. Even the small birds fought as bravely as the big birds. They flew very fast.
It was 31st of May. Ajoy was very happy that day because it was the eve of the summer vacation. There would be morning school that day for about an hour, from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.. After that the school would be closed for the summer vacation. Usually, the vacation was for one month, from the 1st June to 30th June.
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